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Jack Snipe ( Lymnocryptes minimus )
Description Photograph (click on the image to increase it) Various
Of the size of a big lark. it has the black beak much shorter than that of the Common Snipe. The back is black with four longitudinal stripes yellow matt. In the flight, she does not shout or emits a " rètsch ". it flies slowly and rests hundred metres farther. Jack Snipe It is the migrant which winters especially in the Mediterranean countries. The deaf snipe winters in grassy swamps and in vegetation which lines the muddy plans of water. They migrate only and of night. It is necessary almost to walk above so that it flies away.
Photograph  :
Habitat  :Swamps covered with a scattered vegetation. The north limit of the zone of nesting is situated in the undergrowth of dwarfish birches.
Food  :Larvas of insects, towards, mollusks.
Size  :6.698 inch (17-19 cm) Weight  : 35-70 g Wing span : 11.82 inch (30-36 cm)
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