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Booted Eagle ( Hieraaetus pennatus )
Description Photograph (click on the image to increase it) Various
Of the size of a buzzard, its plumage is uniformly brown-clearly or brown-dark with almost white lower parts and points of the black wings. Clear spots on shoulders. It has a rather long and square straight tail, without oblique scores. Booted Eagle It is not easy to identify because his size does not allow to differentiate it of the buzzard, the honey buzzard or kite. The tail little to allow to identify it.
Photograph  :
Habitat  :Landscapes with forests, fields and copse. It is the Southern bird who visits us in summer. It is present in Spain and in the Southeast of Europe.
Food  :Rabbit, small rodent, small bird, reptile, insect.
Size  :16.548 inch (42-51 cm) Weight  : 700-1 kg Wing span : 43.34 inch (110-135 cm)
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